A downloadable asset pack for Windows

This is not a playable game, but a simple tech demo for a lot of free Unity3D code assets I made for the SDC Asset Jam 2020:


The Full Source and repository is freely available here


This follows the theme only vaguely, in that this is a "family" of code files freely available to people to use, mostly for very quick prototyping purposes. No licensing or credit needed. Done in 12-16 hours.

It includes:

  • A plethora of basic "PressKeyToX" type components for quitting the game, toggling gameobjects, pausing, and resetting scenes
  • A prefab for opening a window to quit the game
  • A script to enable your own custom 'cheat codes'
  • A simple rotation script
  • A Material replacement script for Meshes.

My main motivation for this was to build out a bunch of the code I find myself constantly remaking whenever I'm doing game jams or fast prototypes. Originally, I was trying to make something for someone to use without needing to write additional code, but honestly, I'm not sure I recommend taking it that far.

Hopefully by making the code files available, it helps others avoid re-inventing the wheel for some otherwise basic code needs. I think the basics and the cheat code logic are the most useful elements in this pack.

Made specifically for Unity3D.

I may polish this, add more, and put it on an Asset Store page in the future, but it depends on time and motivation.


AssetJamTechDemo.zip 16 MB

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